Thursday, April 29, 2010

Man with knife attacks kindergarten in China

This past Thursday morning, when a class of 28 kindergarteners were in school, a man came into their room while the teacher was out and stabbed all of them. Most of the children were just four years old. Only three survived, but were in critical condition. The stabbing occurred in the city of Taixing, in the Jiangsu province. There is a suspect, a 47 year old man who fits the description given, who has been arrested for the stabbings. Just a day ago, there were 18 stabbed at a primary school in southern China, and earlier still there were 8 children killed and 5 injured at an elementary school in eastern China. In the latter incident the man, Zheng Minsheng, was executed. He admitted that he carried out this horrendous act because of "failures in his romantic life", according to Xinhua.

What I want to know is HOW? How could someone walk into a classroom of 28 now-panic-stricken children simply kill them all? That seems like the most absurd and terrible type of crime. It was a horrific massacre- and though I feel really displaced from the incident, both because of the physical difference(half-way around the world) and because it is such an uncommon situation; I still feel sorrow over this incident. It is difficult, however, to imagine what the families of these children must be going through- especially knowing how their children watched their classmates' deaths, knowing they would be soon to follow... It's hard to imagine.


Issue # 2- Boosting the Minimum Wage

There is a controversy over minimum wage. Those who were for an increase in the minimum wage wanted it moved from $5.15 to $7.15 an hour. These people supported the Democrats, and their efforts to raise the base wage. They argue that raising it would help millions of Americans, pulling many above the poverty line. In May 2007 the Iraq war funding bill was passed, and that increased the spending provisions in the country, and also provided $4.8billion for small business tax breaks. Those who support the minimum wage increase say that this will boost the economy and also, that the tax cuts issued shouldn't have been combined with the minimum wage increase. Those who are against the minimum wage increase argue that doing so would be "counterproductive" for the economy, and that it is not an effective way of dealing with poverty. This is because the base wage increases will most likely affect teenagers more than anyone else. Also, raising it will cause prices to rise, and therefore will cause more people to lose jobs--contributing to unemployment. They feel that the laws of supply and demand-in a market-based economy- are what should determine the minimum wage. Along with this, they feel that there should be less protectionism, because there would be less government and the economy would follow its natural pattern.
I agree with the second argument, that there should be less government involved with the economy and that the minimum wage should not be raised. If the minimum wage is raised, then the prices of all goods and services will increase, and thus more jobs will be cut. This is a more conservative view because there is less government controlling the market. By keeping the minimum wage constant, we will allow the economy of the United States-and even the world- to follow its natural course, and will keep people afloat in the economy. Someone else who agrees with me is Alex Adrianson of The Heritage Foundation, who stated that "Raising the minimum wage increases the prices of goods produced by minimum wage workers. Consumers respond by buying less, and employers respond by making less, which means fewer jobs. Employers also respond to relatively more expensive labor by investing in labor-saving technology, which again means fewer jobs."
Issue #3- Welfare
Isssue #1-All Things Being Equal